Donate Online

  • Monthly: Monthly donors help us budget properly, pay our bills, and maintain a sense of predictability in times of uncertainty. Simply choose “recurring” when making your online donation.
  • One Time Gifts: Unexpected gifts are not only a nice surprise, but they help fund larger purchases from repairing an exhibit, to a fixing a plumbing problem, to replacing HVAC equipment.

Donate By Mail

Please send your check to: Explorium Denton, PO Box 52145, Denton, Texas 76206. A receipt will be mailed to your return address.

Naming Rights


learn more about Adams Extermination Company


Nursing Area:

learn more about Soma Massage Therapy

Work Room & Office: $3,000  Available

Your-Logo-here - The Quirks Event



learn more about Denton Benefit League 

Infant Area:

Make & Think: $10,000

Gallery - Explorium


Active Body: $15,000



How Things Work: 

learn more about CoServ

*Explorium offers a shared membership for families utilizing the services of any of the Serve Denton partner agencies to visit for free, so long as they are enrolled with an agency and in current good standing. Since establishing this program, more than 300 visitors, mostly mothers with young children, have taken advantage of this free service. This is one of the ways that your donation is put into work.*


Contact us by clicking here.